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Visual Assessment

Understanding where the problem lies

Assessment for behavioural optometry and vision therapy. Vision therapy for dyslexia, dspraxia, dyscalcula, adhd and autism

Why do we assses?


The vision system is extremely complex, with hundreds of smaller systems that combine together to produce what we think of as our vision. For us to be able to help rectify any issues with these systems we need to first identify which areas of the vision system are deficient. 


What we do


 All the tests we do are noninvasive and are not dissimilar to a normal eye test, just a bit more fun. We also spend a lot of time talking through the issues with both the patient and their parents as we value the patient's input into their visual experience.


What happens next


Upon completion of the assessment we now create a custom treatment plan for the patient. This plan forms the basis of any further therapy we provide. In addition to this, we can also provide reports for either school, the local authority or any other allied professional.


Is this a dyslexia test?


We often have people asking us if can diagnose dyslexia or other similar conditions. Whilst we are diagnosing related issues to things like dyslexia we are not providing a dyslexia diagnosis. This can only be done by a qualified education psychologist and is something that is usually arranged via school.​

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